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Monday, April 13, 2020

Positive Vibes and Ideas During this Pandemic

Sun Dress

Target Spring Dress

Spring outfit

White Dress

Hello my beautiful friends, I hope this blog finds you safe and healthy.  I haven’t posted on here in a while.  During this whole pandemic, I have decided that I wanted to get back into my old ways and actually use my blog as a fashion outlet.  Honestly, I started posting more on my Instagram Stories because I get far more engagement there.  I want to get back into the art of blogging and doing what makes me happy, regardless of the number of people who engage with my content.

If you follow me on Instagram Stories you’ve seen that I have been doing this “Pandemic Blogging,” where I basically talk about world events that are related to COVID-19.  I totally understand needing a break from the painful reality; believe me, I need a break too.  Today I thought I would talk about some positive ideas you can incorporate into your life to get your mind off of the stress in the world.  I have read plenty of fun ideas to keep you busy during isolating at home and social distancing.  Today, I am going to add to the list and share the things that I love doing during my stay at home.           

Paint and Sip Night:
Now I am not the best painter in the world but it works!  Get yourself some acrylic paints, some brushes, and a canvas.  I like using canvas paper notepad because it is cheap and it will last longer, I don’t paint to put any of it on my walls.  You can if you really want to, you can buy a frame for your canvas paper artwork.   

Do a Puzzle:
I own a couple of these and they can be relaxing to do.  There is just something about concentrating on a puzzle that really gets your mind off of what is going on in the world. 

Take an On-line course: 
This is exactly what I am doing in May.  I am two more classes for my MS and I hope to finish by this summer.  If you are not already in school, take this opportunity to call around and see how you can apply.  I also heard that some places are offering free classes online too!  Do you guys know of any?  Please share!

At Home DIY Safe Care: 
This is one of my favorite past times and I do weekly and it can still continue in the midst of all of this.  Anything thing I do not have, I can always order online.  I do understand some people cannot do any shopping right now.  There are plenty of useful YouTube on DIY fascial and nails and you can just use what you already have.     

Bake a new recipe:
Ladies, everyone is trying their baking skills during this isolating at home and social distancing time.  If you follow fashion bloggers on Instagram you have seen that Banana Bread is the trend.  I actually might try to bake some myself, lol!    

Learn a new language:
I love the app Duolingo, it’s nothing new.  I need to take some time for it but I have always wanted to sharpen my Spanish skills.  I know more Spanish than I think but I am not confident in the language and I would like to change that.       

Organize your house:
It’s all over social media, everyone and their grandmother are organizing their house.  I need to jump on this bandwagon for my sake.  Once I go back to work, it will be full force.  I will be too busy for anything again.  We did manage to get rid of old lawn furniture during this past week.    

Work on your yard: 
Plant a garden, spend the day in the sun, and fix up your yard a bit.  This is something my husband and I have on our list of things to do.  I have been grabbing a towel and sunbathing in my backyard, it is so refreshing. 
I hope these Positive Vibes and Ideas are helpful to your own situation.  Remember, although this is a hard time in our lives, this will pass.  Better days are ahead.  I keep all my friends and family in my prayers.  Let me know what you are doing during your time of isolating at home and social distancing!  Feel free to comment below!  You can also DM me on my IG! @cutebrandik      

Get the details to my outfit down below!  
Happy Social Distancing! 

-Brandi Kimberly 

Positive Vibes and Ideas During this Pandemic

Hello my beautiful friends, I hope this blog finds you safe and healthy.  I haven’t posted on here in a while.  During this whol...